Friday, August 27, 2021

Last Friday

 Kia Ora everyone last Friday / Friday the 20th of August I got my first covid vaccine at first I thought it would hurt a lot or that I would feel sick afterwards but I didn't feel sick afterwards and it didn't hurt there was just a little pinch at the start but that was it. They will get you to get the next 1 about 6 weeks after your first. It only took about 5 seconds it didn't take long at all. When I got home after the vaccine I kinda just sat on my bed not really doing anything I was kinda just sitting and doing my gem art and listening to music. My next 1 is on the 1st of October. I recommend that when you get your covid vaccine you just rest afterwards so that it's not really sore the next day.

Thursday, August 26, 2021

Backwards Skating

 Kia Ora everyone so today and yesterday I thought to myself what if I tried to skate backwards? So I put on my white and blue roller skates and went outside and started trying to skate backwards. It sounded a lot easier but it wasn't I was going to give up but I kept trying. It was a little bit challenging to start with but then I got the hang of it but it was still a bit hard. I almost fell over a lot but I didn't fall over. It's easier to skate down hill then it is to try skate up hill. It's kind off easy to skate on flat serifs. It is really fun. Have you ever tried to skate backwards or just tried to skate?

Thursday, August 19, 2021

Things I did today

 Kia Ora everyone today I cleaned my wardrobe with my little sister. This is a video of what it looked like before.

And these are photos of what it looked like after

And here is some stuff that we found


 Kia Ora, I just wanted to see how everyone is going and seeing how people are doing in lock down? It has been really fun staying home but also a bit boring because we don't get to see are friends and do school face to face. Were we now have to do google meets and/or zoom calls. Hope you guys are doing well and if we stay strong we can get though this together because we have done this before we can do it again.